Bikram Kaberwal

About Me

Hi there! I'm Bikram Kaberwal from Toronto, Ontario. I currently work as a Technical Management Associate at the Royal Bank of Canada. I have 1+ years of experience as a Software Developer. I previously interned at SOTI & Royal Bank of Canada. My favourite languages and frameworks to work with are Python, Javascript, and React.js.

I am currently in my 4th year of schooling attending the University of Toronto. I am a huge food enthusiast and I love to travel and go on adventures. My current career goals are to transition from a well-rounded software developer to a project manager.

Outside of tech, my interests lie in basketball, fitness, and gaming. I am an avid League of Legends player and I love first-person shooters. Some of my other favourite games include Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Far Cry 5, and Valorant. My favourite basketball team is the Toronto Raptors. I love meeting new people and I think everyone has a story to tell. Feel free to reach out to me and book a coffee chat!

Technical skills

A representation of my profiency in each skill


Number of Hackathons Won


Years of Experience


Number of Deployed Projects


Internship Opportunities

As an extrovert I am always eagar to socialize and meet new people!

Coffee Chat?

©Copyright Bikram Kaberwal 2021